CARD REVEAL: Deck: Starman Tarot. Card 1 (left) 9 of cups, card 2 (middle) 7 of pentacles, card 3 (right) Queen of Cups (r)
Card 1: 9 of Cups
Flowing Feelings.
You are experiencing a flow of emotions. Everything you feel comes easily to the surface and into your awareness. Your relationships are moving and progressively developing. On the emotional plane, you are moving forward with a sense of purpose and direction.
You almost get the feeling of “your wish is granted.” Be constantly aware of the good luck you are enjoying during this time. Notice how you feel, mind, body and spirit. It is a blessed respite that can give you a sense of satisfaction and pleasure at a future time when things may not be so pleasant. Not saying that things will be unpleasant in the future but just saying that with life's ups and downs, remember this time to help you through when things are not going as smoothly as they are now, knowing they will again.
Smokey Amethyst Scepter
"Smokey Amethyst Quartz is an extremely useful combination for soul healing and protection. Smokey Amethyst assists in contacting the highest possible spiritual energies and then grounds that spiritual energy into the body."
The Crystal Bible 2
*This is pretty much the best cut and dry description of a smokey amethyst!
Scepter Quartz
Scepter Quartz crystals are symbols of power. The energy flows to the heart (center) of everything. They are energy powerhouses and command respect when using them. A Quartz Scepter is a powerful manifesting crystal and must be used wisely. Make sure it is something you really want, or more importantly, actually need!
Quartz Scepter crystals help one with self-forgiveness.