Discover your true self through the natural art of healing.
Integrative Medicine
How Reiki Helps Cancer Patients.
Traditional Western medicine is an evidence-based practices that typically focus on treating a single issue. Integrative medicine takes a holistic approach to wellness. Rather than simply treating single issue, naturopathic doctors focus on identifying and treating the cause of the symptom.
What is Integrative Medicine.
"The field of integrative health and medicine reaffirms the importance of the relationship between practitioner and patient, focuses on the whole person, is informed by evidence, and makes use of all appropriate therapeutic approaches, healthcare professionals and professions to achieve optimal health and healing. Simply put, integrative health and medicine offer best practices for optimal health and healing."
Ascend Integrative Therapy offering.
At Ascend we are available to offer therapeutic support through Reiki in medical offices, hospitals and skilled nursing & senior facilities as well as in home private services.
Integrative Medicine Reference articles:
AIHM- Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine
Explore IM- Integrative Medicine
John Hopkins Medicine on Reiki
Web MD- What is Integrative Medicine
Reference articles:
Reiki Healing and Mental Health: What the Research Shows
Health Benefits of Reiki
The Center for Reiki Research including Reiki in Hospitals
Science proves meridians exist
Reiki Science based medicine
Science Measures the human energy field