Enjoy our Free Smokey Quartz Meditation by Ascend.
Smokey Quartz Meditation
Smokey Quartz- The stabilizer stone.
Release negative beliefs that may be holding you back through meditation with smoky quartz. Smokey quartz is excellent for elevating moods, overcoming negative emotions, and relieving depression. Smoky quartz relieves stress, fear, jealousy, anger and other negative emotions by transforming them into positive energies. It is a helpful stone for enhancing and encouraging courage and inner strength.
Preparation for Our Smokey Quartz Meditation.
Preparation of yourself and your sacred space.
Start by removing all jewelry, watches, and or electrical devices away from your body. Dress comfortably and without shoes. Sit in your sacred space where you would normally meditate or where ever is most comfortable for you at this time. If you have the time cleanse your space with either sage, rosemary, palo santo, or an essential oil or clearing spray, do so. Be sure to have cleansed and blessed your crystal.
Preparation with your stone.
If you have more than one smokey quartz you can position one at your crown chakra, one at your heart, and one or two at your feet (if you are laying down). If you are sitting you can hold your crystal in your dominant hand as well as place them around your body in a circle. Its always good to gaze at your crystal for a moment, look at all the details of its structure inside an out, let your self drift off in its beauty. Then close the crystal in your dominant hand and give a little squeeze, and continue to hold it throughout the meditation- you don't have to keep squeezing. Once a crystals enters your aura, and is activated it will release its healing energy. Take a moment to try to sense the crystals energy. This is an earthy, high frequency grounding stone. This stone will provide balance and allow you to meditate freely without hesitation to where ever you need to travel as you do so, know you will be safe and grounded.
When you are ready click to play the Smokey Quartz Meditation.