Wire Weave, Wire Wrap, Heady Design Classes + Tutorials

I offer a variety of classes for beginners through advanced. The Beginning Wire Wrapping of a Crystal and Cabochon that I taught for Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy before their doors closed is in the process of being redesigned and will be available soon. All other classes to follow! In the meantime check out my facebook group, info listed below.

Class Offerings:

Beginning Wire Wrap Jewlery

This class explores types of wire and their use, tools, how to select a stone and wire for a piece, basics of jewelry design theory, stone medicine and features videos tutorials for wrapping crystals and cabochons, patina and cleaning your pieces. This class is being updated and will be available soon.


Intermediate Wire Wrapping with Beginning Wire Weave Elements

This class explores different levels and dimensions of wire wrapping and introduces woven bails. Class 1 is recommended as a pre-requisite but not required. Self taught will do great!


Wire Weave Jewelry

This is a beginning wire weave jewelry class where you will earn different weaves and how to use them to create a bezel for your stone(s). Multiple bails, wire, tools, process and technique.


Beginning Heady/Layered Wire Jewelry Design

This Class is for the more advanced student. We will explore techniques for a layered or heady design, process, planning, frames, weaves, and application.


Mountain Flower Tutorial

This is a beginning to intermediate wire wrap tutorial. It features a wire wrapped cabochon design with ornate decoration and bead dangle and some hammer work. Hammer work is demonstrated but not taught in this tutorial. The hammer work is optional though recommended.



Want More Tutorials?
-> Join my Facebook Group

Sort through numerous video tutorials for wire weaving, wrapping and heady design, also bails. This group is currently free but will be changing to a subscription some time during summer 2023 with weekly lives, Live Q and A sessions and so much more.
Wire Wrap, Wire Weaves Q and A, and Cabochons for Wire Wrapping

**Featured Tutorial/Lesson this month:

Wire Wrapped Cabochon with Wire Weave Overlay.**
Date: Available NOW in 4 parts on the group page.