Fulfillment. Validating. Gain.

Card #1: 9 of Cups. Happiness. Wish fulfillment.
This is a particularly good card, happiness. This card is ruled by Jupiter, and Jupiter is Fortune.
In all the watery cards, there is a certain element of illusion; they begin by Love, and love is the greatest and most deadly of the illusions. This card is about further putrification, change... change that guarantees stability and in that stability guarantees change. Nothing rests in the universe everything is change, motion, action. With this card, there is a sense of flowing feelings.
You may be really experiencing a flow of emotions. Everything you feel comes to the surface and into your awareness. Your relationships are moving and progressively developing. On the emotional plane, you are moving forward with a sense of purpose.
In short, this card is a wish-fulfillment card, but dreams that come true are not necessarily a walk in the park but as I mentioned above, everything about this is change, motion, action but all towards the stability, luck, and happiness you have been manifesting or working towards.
Card #2: 2 of Cups. Love. Validating a Feeling.
You are choosing or naming a feeling or relationship. You are accepting and validating what you feel. You may be publicly or consciously claiming or nurturing an emotional or sensitive part of yourself.
This can be a relationship with another, with a job or desire, it can be a connection to spirit and the work you are needing or wanting to do therein.
Card #3: 9 of Discs (Pentacles). Gain. Integrating.
You are experiencing a comfortable and productive flow of energy or resources. You can move along, making stady progress, yet remaining flexible as you go. Go ahead and take advantage of this effortless flow. You are progressing well.
You have integrated what you have experienced and learned from 7 and 8 energies (before it) and you now have an ongoing sense of purpose and direction.
As we can see with all three of these cards there is at first glance a big "YES!" feeling and yes that is correct this is a beautiful reading however there is a "reality" side to this. With all goals and dreams which we have manifest into being (yes they are here or right around the corner!) these cards are also here to show us that that does not mean sitting in a rose-covered cottage all day, it means that with these incredible feats of manifestation in love, desire, your dreams and passions, love and success/gain, you will find the stability you seek and with it there are changes and action. All good here. Prepare for the journey you wished for and prepare for take-off!

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