Successes, Failures and a Guiding Light

Card Reveal & Reading for 11.4.2019 Pick A Card on Facebook.
You may have found this post because you picked a card today on Facebook. If you stumbled upon this post and have not picked a card, see image below, sit back, relax take a few cleansing breaths, and pick the card that you are most drawn to.
May this reading provide you with insights and guidance.
Pick a Card if you have not already before reading through:
Card #1: 6 of Discs
The six of discs is called Success, the ruler of the moon. This card represents settling down. It portrays a feeling of a somewhat dreamy state, feeling dragged down, heavy, but change is coming soon. Your income or security is steady and predictable. Your money, home or business cycles are more regular and reliable. You have weathered the physical storm and are now experiencing a period of balanced or stabilized health. You are repeating a familiar pattern in the world. You can mass produce a product because you know you have corrected the errors. You may be replenishing your reserves after a period of using them up.
Card #2: 7 of Discs
Of the 4 sevens we see a cycle.7 of wants is valor, 7 of cups Debauch, 7 of swords Futility and the 7 of Discs Failure. This relates to extreme passivity. It represents no effort being made. Sevens also represent imagining, usually indicating someone who is faced with a variety of options and reaching out to experience as many of them as theory as they are still “just thinking” about it, thus “failure” meaning procrastinating not taking action on things you know are before you that you may truly want to get done or know you should take care of. Even more closely though the 7 of discs (pentacles) in particular shows one experimenting with money, material resources or your physical body. You are faced with various opportunities that are available and may be developing some variety in your work, trying out different approaches. Or just thinking about them. This card points out that its failure if you do not step up and take action. Get a move on.
Card #3 The Moon
You are being guided by your universal higher self. Some doors are opening for you and others are closing. You realize that you are getting symbolic messages, showing you the path you need to follow. While your goal may not be totally clear, you sense that if you can just stay on the road, avoiding your doubts, fears and hesitation, you will be guided to your destination. Your guidance is appearing in a intuitive or symbolic form. The Moon shows that you are trusting something other than your logical mind to be your guide.
You are trusting your greater self to guide you and you are getting good results. As long as you stay tuned to your signals, your intuition will show you where you need to go.
Card Reveal

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